作者:  发布于2014-09-23 22:14    文字:【】【】【

Americas revenue growth for Operator Terminals


According to a recently released report by IHS, the Americas are projected to be the fastest growing regional market for operator terminal revenues to 2018 (8.8%).  2013 was a particularly successful year for the Americas with revenues growing to over $550 million (24% of the world total, and nearly 15% growth from 2012). Although revenues are by no means forecast to overtake EMEA or Asia Pacific, it is certainly a region with great growth potential, with the fastest growth forecast in 2015.”


Analyst, Alexandra Whiting summarized: ‘Whilst all regional markets (EMEA, The Americas, Asia-Pacific and Japan) are forecast to experience positive growth to 2018, The Americas in particular, has been highlighted as a potential growth area for some vendors.’

分析师Alexandra Whiting总结道:“虽然所有的区域市场(EMEA,美洲,亚太和日本)预计到2018年都将取得到正增长,但美洲被一些厂商尤其重点看作一个潜在增长区域。” 

She continued ‘The United States unsurprisingly accounted for over 70% of operator terminal revenues in 2013 and is forecast to remain at a stable percentage share to 2018. However, it is the countries with a marginally smaller current installed base, such as Mexico and Brazil that will provide future opportunities for operator terminal sales.


As with the other regions, growth at a product level is expected to be driven mainly by advanced graphical and portable operator terminals and is expected to be strong enough to offset a decline in both text-based and basic graphical operator terminals. Whilst each region tells a similar story, convergence to higher functionality terminals seems to be occurring faster in the Americas. Text-based terminals, for example, provide a low cost solution for end-users looking to cheaply monitor machinery operations. However, a high resolution and sleek terminal are two particular requests in the Americas that are pushing revenue growth.



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